Monday, February 13, 2012

A CAbi "Photo Shoot"

Something different for a change - I got in front of the camera... willingly!

Linda and I modeling clothing by CAbi

Showing off the cut of the "Work It Jacket"

I don't know why my hand looks like that... I swear it isn't THAT wrinkly!

I *think* I like these pictures. I'm being brave and posting them here! I'm not used to seeing any pictures of me that I think look decent (but I'm told these do!). Of course we all pick ourselves apart, don't we? WHY ARE WE SO HARD ON OURSELVES?! WHY ARE WE SO HARD ON EACH OTHER?! Unfortunately,  I still view myself as fat! Will that ever change?! I'm trying to feel comfortable in my own skin but it is NOT easy. I often wonder, Will I ever be happy when I look in the mirror? I have less than 20 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight. I sure hope my eyes/brain/mind catch up soon!


  1. You look fabulous in these photos. I know it can be hard to "not look at yourself as being fat" I'm there every day. But from an outside perspective, you really do look great :)
