Saturday, October 6, 2012

Longview Harvest Classic 10k

Nanette - now known to me as "Bullseye"- and I participated in the Longview Harvest Classic 10k (6.2 miles) today. It was a very chilly 39 degrees F this morning so long sleeves and gloves were a necessity for us. After picking up our bibs, we went back and sat in the heated car while waiting for the race to start. It was COLD.

Both Nanette and I are "recovering" (h.o.p.e.f.u.l.l.y.) from foot problems so we didn't have a plan as to how we wanted this race to go. We just wanted to see how we felt and of course, in the end, make it through the finish line!

We started out running right away and actually made it a little over six-tenths of a mile before we had to slow down and walk. That's pretty awesome for us "walkers" and injured ones at that! We were going through a part of downtown so we walked to the next light and then started to run again, doing that off and on until we turned off of that street. Once leaving downtown, we tried to run as much as possible and take small walk breaks in between. We both felt really good and energetic.

It was a beautiful course through big, shady tree-lined streets and along Lake Sacajawea. There were police and volunteers at every intersection, making the route very safe and enjoyable. We really liked the route and would definitely do it again.

At times - when we could - we carried on conversations and both decided that in January we are going to sign up as RUNNERS with Vancouver Fit(I have been a member of Vancouver Fit for three years as a walker and assistant walking coach so I'm very familiar with the marathon training program.) It has been a longtime dream / goal of mine to not only BE a runner, but to run a half marathon! Nanette has dreams of doing the same! Vancouver Fit is a large group so there are walkers and runners of all different speeds. The runners are broken down into pace groups. We know we will end up in the slowest running group but we are perfectly fine with that! Neither of us dream of winning a race, just running it.

Today's race was the beginning and we are ready to get moving with a Couch-to-5k plan so we don't start our first day of marathon training, which is usually 3 miles, having to walk! Oh nooooo, can't do that! haha

It was another great race today and another PR for me! My results for today were 6.2 miles in 1:17:34, averaging 12:28 minute miles. My previous time for a 10k (in which I also ran off and on) was 1:27:40, averaging 13:39 minute miles which means I shaved off 10:06 minutes overall! That's one minute and eleven seconds faster per mile.  NOW THAT'S IMPROVEMENT! 

It was a perfect start to the weekend and a perfect beginning to our future days as "runners".  ;)



  1. I always have serious kudos to give to you race walkers. Walking a half marathon....even marathon at a pace that would literally have me collapsed on the ground and crying! I seriously think that is amazing. I have an ambition to WALK a half marathon at some point too ;).
    Anyway, I think it's fantastic that you are branching out. You have some serious strength from all that race walking, I have no doubt that can transpose into running a half.

    1. Thank you! I always admire your endurance to run so far... and fast! Maybe if you could slow yourself down one of these days we could walk a half together! However, knowing how much walking is an addiction for me, I know running is an addiction for you and it will be hard to accept any substitution. You will want to take off and leave me in the dust! haha My walking speed used to be nearly as fast as my "running" speed but I'm improving so my walking self can no longer keep up! I'm excited for new adventures! ;)
