Friday, December 20, 2013


I'm about to start training again right after the New Year.  Last year was plagued with injuries, lack of training, and more injuries.  After hurting myself in June at the Vancouver Marathon, I basically QUIT.  I walked a couple short events and then the 3-Day, 60 miles event in September.  I also did two half marathons in October ... all without training.  I was definitely slow and sluggish but enjoyed them.  Although I do remember complaining a bit (okay... quite a bit!!) that I was out of shape!

Without training, a lot of my bad habits returned, I rarely went to the gym and I haven't lost any weight.  In fact, I gained. Naturally.  Hopefully by refocusing and getting back out there on the pavement, I will start watching my diet (good performance requires good nutrition!) and shed the extra pounds.

I'm not real pleased with myself. I completely lost control. I have to find it... AGAIN - the story of my life.

I don't know what my race schedule will be but I'm not doing any of them without the proper training.  I'm tired of being on the injured list.

My first event of 2014 will be the Hazel Dell Half at the end of February, which I'm really looking forward to! Training starts January 5th. Are you ready, Bullseye?!

It's time to put the injuries and lack of control - in so many areas of my life - of 2013 behind me (and I don't mean on my butt!) and get moving!

I'm not finished with my marathon days... not yet. I'm not finished with my weight loss goals... not by a long shot.

Here's to a happy, healthy and productive 2014!


"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving!" Albert Einstein