Sunday, February 4, 2018

Dog Mountain on Super Bowl Sunday

Dog Mountain is always a favorite! While everyone else seemed to be preparing for their parties and watching the Super Bowl, Lidia and I were out braving the weather and hiking up to the summit of Dog Mountain. The weather was horrible - POURING RAIN and lots of wind. We sat on the summit for a brief moment to drink a little "warm" tea and then headed right back down the mountain. At one point Lidia had to remove her boots, pour the water out of them and wring her socks! Our rain gear was useless. Approximately 1/2 mile from the end of the trail the rain stopped (of course!) and the sun came out long enough for us to sit and enjoy our lunch. We were soaked and cold but still... as always...  had a great time! Needless to say, it was our fastest trip to date up and down Dog Mountain.