Thursday, March 22, 2012

March SNOW Showers

Are you kidding me?! This is MARCH, correct?!  I woke up to this...

Yes, it's beautiful. HOWEVER, it IS March and I have been so excited to see all the buds and new growth on the trees! And, my poor evergreens... they were just getting their roots firmly planted in the ground and were standing tall but have broken free of thier support posts and look pretty sad about the whole situation. Old Man Winter... please go away!

We seriously could use some sunshine and heat around here! The Vitamin D suppliments can only go so far. My mood is soooo much better when I see that bright, firey orb in the sky! It's up there, I know, but it needs to be a bit more visible. Burrrrr....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how strange!! It was close to 90 year yesterday in Michigan. Strange weather this winter, isn't it?
