Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Me:  "Hey! I walked FIVE Portland City blocks today before I felt ANY foot pain! That's ammmmmaaaazing!"

Husband: "Why did you walk so far?!"

Oh good grief. I guess five blocks is a really loooooong way, right?! ha. For HIM it is. I walk six blocks from the bus stop every morning to work and then do the same - uphill - after work. It's nothing. What's SOMETHING is the fact that I walked five blocks before my foot even let out a peep! When the pain returned between blocks 5 and 6, it wasn't even bad... just noticeable.

I actually think these inserts are making a difference! From severe heel and foot pain with every single step I took to no pain at all for five blocks... THAT'S A BIG DEAL. I'm amazed! And hopeful! Yes!

Good night! :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Columbia Gorge Half Marathon

Today Stacy and I walked the Columbia Gorge Half Marathon in Hood River, Oregon. (We missed you, Ginger!!) Stacy did this half last year and told me how much she loved it so I jumped at the opportunity to discover something new out there, knowing the scenery would be awesome!

Hood River is a rural city located in the heart of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area between Mt. Hood and the Columbia River, approximately 60 miles east of Portland, Oregon. It took us a little over an hour to get there from Vancouver. It poured down rain the entire way and I just knew we were in for a very wet walk. Luckily, the rain stopped as soon as we arrived and it just drizzled a few times during the walk.  Perfect.

We went into this walk knowing we weren't there to beat any previous records and were just going to enjoy each other's company and the scenery. Even on a cloudy/rainy day, the Gorge is absolutely beautiful.


Both of us were having "shoe issues" and needed to stop and fix our laces numerous times. With my newly added inserts, my shoes fit differently than before so I knew today would be a time of adjusting the laces to get that perfect fit. It took several tries and many miles before I found the comfort I was looking for. The inserts helped a lot and honestly, my heel did not hurt the entire time. My arch on my right foot suffered a bit because of the unfamiliar pressure under it but I knew that was not a problem and was something I would eventually get used to. Not having the heel pain with every step I took was MAJOR improvement for me. Do I dare believe these inserts are going to solve my foot problems?! Damn, I hope so.

We started at the Hood River Marina Lawn (water level). After a short trip through town, we hit the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail (interesting info if you click on it) and went UP into the beautiful trees. What a great time of the year to be walking this trail with all the spectacular fall colors!

We could see the Columbia River almost the entire time. I always think about how tiny we (people) actually are on this earth when I see scenes in nature like this. The Columbia River Gorge is amazing! 


Look how small the cars are on the highway below.
Remember... we started down there!

There is a house on that island - how cool would that be?!

Of course the wind is always blowing through the Gorge
so crazy hair just comes with it! ;)

I loved the tunnels!

These were a couple Halloween characters cheering us along!
(creepy, is what they were!)


We did it!

We received handmade ceramic medals made
by a local artist in Hood River. Awesome!

It was another great day on another great course! And before you ask... I set another PR! Yes I did! This PR is extra special too... it is my Personal Record SLOWEST walk ever! haha We had a great walk and didn't care about time at all. Pictures and conversation (and shoe adjustments!) were top priorities. It was such a wonderful day!

13.1 miles in 3:50:16, averaging 17:34 minute miles. I loved it. ;) 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shoe Inserts

It has been almost 11 months now and I continue to struggle with my right heel / foot pain even after shots... a cast... a boot... a night splint... new shoes... massage... stretches... hocus-pocus creams and ointments... time off from walking... ETC, ETC, ETC. The pain just will NOT go away. It is so frustrating ... and did I mention? ... PAINFUL!!

I'm tired of hurting, limping, and limiting!

After trying all of the above, I finally caved and had custom orthopedic inserts made by my podiatrist. 

I have high arches.

For $350.00, they darn sure better make a difference. 

To be continued...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Girlfriends Half Marathon

Let me start this post by saying... MY FOOT HURTS! And I mean, HURTS, in a bad way! In fact, my entire body kinda hurts.  There, I said it. Ugh.

Today was the Girlfriends Half Marathon here in Vancouver! It is a race for women and it supports breast cancer so I brought out the pink hat and boas once again! ;)

I walk this race with friends for FUN. I don't walk to beat any previous records and don't care about my time. I bring along my camera and HAVE FUN. Because of my mindset about not caring about the time, etc., I didn't care what I ate yesterday and didn't really hydrate like I should have (you see where this is going...). In fact, I didn't even eat breakfast before leaving the house this morning. Big mistake on my part... dumb, dumb, dumb. I suffered today and I suffered badly. I know I wasn't properly hydrated and that will always make you suffer. I didn't carb load and didn't fuel my body like I should have. I paid the price. I hurt all over. Hours later... I'm still hurting. Husband took me for a nice dinner... and I'm still hurting. I'm completely exhausted.

(My foot... well that's a totally different issue that I haven't been able to resolve yet. But. I still have hope for the future... a future without foot pain!)

This morning started out pretty cold and I had to get a much needed coffee before the race.

Sue, Lesley, Nanette and me

Next, we had to wait in a very long line to make one last stop at the porta potties...

And then the fun started... crazy women having a great morning walk together!

No need to narrate ... the pictures tell the story.

I love the pose, Bullseye! ;)

(and yes, I dropped the cone on Lesley's head after the photo op! ooops!)


Lesley and Nanette decided to give me the booty pic for mile 11...
But then we took a proper one...because Miss Proper (that would be ME) got in the picture! bwaaahahaha


One of these ladies (certainly wasn't me... remember... I'm Miss Proper!) decided
we needed to skip across the finish line! I couldn't coordinate my skipping skills at all!
Not sure I ever had them in the first place!

13.1 miles in 3:17:51 - averaging a 15:06 minute mile
We had a GREAT day!
We also hammed it up for all the photographers out on the course so more photos to come when they become available.
Good night, y'all. I'm beat. Until next weekend...