Saturday, April 5, 2014

On the Mend

How true!

I've had a long hard year but things are definitely looking up again.  I'm moving in the right direction and I'm feeling good!  After hitting the bottom of this whirlwind life of mine (or what I hope was the bottom), I awoke feeling like a new person with a better perspective. I've been able to sit down and THINK clearly and start putting the pieces of my broken self back together again.  I saw some pretty dark days and never do I want to find myself there again.  Somewhere along the way I lost myself - belief in myself. I shut everyone out and buried myself deeper and deeper into my suffocating hole. It was a very lonely, dark place to be.  No more. I feel the sunshine, hear the music and know that I have emerged once again. I have found my peace and it feels awesome!

I'm ready to get this blog back on the path it was meant to be on... one about walking/running and weight loss - but first I'll have to dust off the crumbs of those four Oreo cookies I just ate!   I appreciate all of the support I have received from so many of you, strangers and friends alike.  Thanks for the personal e-mails and the messages. It's always a comfort to know people care, especially when you are in your darkest of days. Thanks for helping pull me through my personal storm.

Now, about walking/running....

Bullseye and I are doing the full marathon here in Vancouver on June 15th.  It will be Bullseye's first full marathon and my fifth. As always, I expect it to be a great experience!  :)

We ARE training and neither of us are plagued with injuries - unlike last year! We no longer belong to an official training program but we know the drill, we've been doing it long enough! We are committed to training and to training with each other so we will both be successful in June.  Without the training, it's hell and you end up hurt (as described in last year's Marathon post here.).  Not so smart.

We are walking and running, doing what feels best to us at the time.  We will be doing 12 miles tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it! Last week we did 11 miles in the POURING rain! We were SOAKED to the bone but were laughing and actually having a great time! Dare I say... IT WAS FUN!!   Tomorrow there is a less chance of rain but you never know around here.  Regardless, we'll be out there training and we'll have a good time doing it.  :)

As for weight loss...

There hasn't been much of that going on for me but at least I'm not gaining.  I lost 7 pounds but haven't gone down any further.  Could it be those Oreo cookies?! I'm struggling to stay committed but I'm trying. I've lost it before and know I can lose it again. One step at a time here. I'll get there. I no longer binge eat (I haven't since before the holidays) but I love sugar (duh!) and have a hard time staying away from it. It's truly an addiction. Better than alcohol, I suppose, but still... a bad addiction.

About Elephants...  So much for staying on topic - I'm chattier when I feel good! heh heh...

I went to Celestial Awakenings to buy more incense and some rocks I "needed".  My son told me to ask the owners why I was so attracted to and attached to elephants. I LOVE THEM! - I have elephant tattoos, elephant pictures in my home, elephant figures, elephant jewelry, etc. - they are the only animal I really want to see at the zoo and I would own one if I could!! (I know... crazy, huh?!)  But WHY? 

If anyone could tell me, I knew they could.  Jeff, one of the owners, took me straight over to an animal book and looked up elephants.  Everything it said was totally ME. Amazing.

The Elephant is my animal spirit guide.

(Hey... I am who I am and I make no excuses or pretenses.)

Elephant represents gentle strength, loyalty and love of family, partners and friends. They are also a symbol of sexuality. <---- Well... ok... not TOTALLY me but skip this statement!  Elephant is very sensitive to fragrance and smells (Sooo true! I'm allergic to fragrance and I can smell things a mile away!), which may be a message to you to work with aromatherapy (I love earthy smelling incense and find them very relaxing.).  As your animal totem, Elephant reminds you of the importance of taking care of family — especially the young and the elderly. He teaches compassion and loyalty. He represents royalty, ancient wisdom, power and strength. Due to his great strength, he can help you remove obstacles that are getting in the way of your happiness, goals and ability to lead a stable life.  (Boy do I need the Elephant in my back pocket right now!)  

Elephant’s cycle of power is year-round.

If Elephant Shows up (like... every day... he's tattooed on my body!)...

Make it a point to be of service in some way to the young, elderly, or those less fortunate than yourself.  (Soooo me!)

Do not let anything stand in the way of attaining this goal that is so integral to your purpose.

You have the determination and persistence required to overcome the current challenges you are faced with.

Trust your senses, and if something in your life “smells” bad, take the necessary action to do away with it.

Remain loyal to those closest to you in spite of anyone questioning their integrity.

It’s a good time to renew your sense of connectedness to the divine.

And ONE MORE random topic here...  FUNDRAISING

I'm about to seriously start fundraising again for the 3-Day, 60-Mile walk I do every year in support of breast cancer! It's my FIFTH YEAR! I'm already off to a good start but need to get moving on it so I don't panic at the last minute to get my fundraising completed. Every single walker must raise $2,300.00 to participate.  Would you help me and support a good cause?!  Every single dollar counts and no amount is too small.  Seriously... if you want to help but can only afford $5 - $10... that's perfectly fine and very appreciated! Donate with your name or donate anonymously!  Click here or at the top of my blog to get to my personal donation page.  And... THANK YOU!!

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