Monday, December 5, 2011

Negative Nelly finds a Ray of Sunshine

I have to say.... this "sleeping foot" issue is really getting annoying. It is painful too. It makes me crazy. It happens when I'm walking, when I'm sitting and when I'm laying in bed. It has no pattern. It doesn't seem to be letting up. In fact, it bothers me more often. I'm taking Neurontin. I'm going to acupuncture. I can't say either are helping me at this moment. Except... I sleep a lot better! (I love that part.) It worries me how this is all going to play out. I know I just need to take one day at a time but that's difficult to do sometimes. I'm looking forward to my next half marathon (this weekend) but really hope my foot cooperates... or I should say... my BACK. It isn't much fun walking with a foot that feels half dead.

The holiday season is upon us! I'm not doing any Christmas shopping this year... the kids want - and are getting - cash. It looks so bare not having gifts under the tree but it also has saved me from the shopping madness. I stay clear of the malls every December - too many people to deal with and parking is always an issue.

Husband is working a lot right now and when he finally makes it home, he is exhausted. This is what I see as a permanent fixture on the couch throughout the holiday season...

You would never know our economy is troubled by the number of reservations and holiday parties currently going on at the restaurant! It is great for them but I will be happy when things slow down a bit. It happens like this every year during the holidays. I'm happy they have the business though - that's most important. (Go ahead and continue working hard, Husband! Someone has to! - Loooooove you.)

I felt like Negative Nelly all morning today. I was bored and lonely (Refer back to the above paragraph... Husband was supposed to be off today. I missed his company.). To change my negative outlook and boredom, I went for a walk... of course! Walking always makes me happy! So does a good soy latte so that's what I went for - I walked to Starbucks and back. (It's a short distance away - 3.46 miles round trip.) More than the latte, I enjoyed being outside on such a sunny, crisp, fall day (36 degrees F). I even enjoyed taking pictures with my phone of what I saw that made me smile along the way.

This guy lives about 3/4 mile from me...

With his buddies (who wouldn't be still and pose for me!)...

This tree reminded me of why fall is my favorite of the four seasons! I love the fall colors!

The ponds had a thin layer of ice on them - it was COLD out!

The sidewalks in the shade made me use a bit of caution...

But I enjoyed the fallen leaves...

Dare we say the Moles have moved in?!

This is an entrance to an old piece of property. Pretty cool, huh? I would love to see the house behind that gate.

A decorated tree in my neighborhood...

To top it all of, there is nothing better in the rainy Pacific Northwest than seeing THIS...

By the way, have you tried the new Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters? O.M.G. YUMMMM. They come packaged in single servings to keep people like me from eating "a few extra" (I wouldn't dare open a second pack! Never! Not me! haha) and each serving is 120 calories. Totally worth having for dessert and if you saved up enough calories during the day, totally worth having TWO helpings of dessert! ;)


  1. Ok, LOVE LOVE LOVE those Skinny Cow Dream Clusters! Also, I have the same foot falling asleep problem when I run and bike. Do you know what yours is from? I can't figure mine out. I got these inserts put in my shoes from a foot guy which has helped alot, but not totally.

    Also to answer your question about the situp challenge, my friends and I are following this program.

    It will have you take an initial test and those results will tell you what catagory you are in. From there you just follow the program. It says in 6 weeks you can be doing 200 situps a day.

  2. My sleeping foot problem stems from my spine. I currently have two herniated discs and two bulging discs. One of the herniated discs is pressing on the nerves that go to my right foot and making it hurt and feel like it is asleep. (See my October post, "Mr. Reality just swam across my moat..." and my November post, "Lengthy back update." ) It is something I just have to deal with for now and hopefully it will go away.

    Your foot problem may also be caused by your spine. You could have a pinched nerve. If it is a big problem for you, you should get it checked out.

    I just read the sit-up challenge and took the initial test (results were pathetic! haha) so I am going to try and take the challenge myself. I never want to stop improving and this is right in line with my core strengthening task I am supposed to be doing. I like the fact that the "sit-ups" are more like curls/crunches. That is A LOT easier and safer for my back. Thanks so much for the information!

  3. good luck with the sit-up challenge. its hard but fun to do at the same time. I'm glad I've got some friends doing it with me.

  4. Yeah... About that sit-up challenge... I am on day two (after taking the initial test the day before) of not being able to stand up straight or move without pain! haha Not really funny but I have to laugh it off. It is my own fault. I am always pushing myself to do more but some things are a little much I guess. I don't think my back is quite ready for sit-ups. I know it is muscle pain I'm dealing with so I'm not worried, it will go away. I am taking Pilates to build core strength so maybe eventually I will be able to do this but obviously not yet. Oh well.... I tried! :)
