Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our Own Half - Bling Included!

Sue and I decided to walk our own "half marathon" today because we had not signed up for an official race for the month of January. (We really are JUNKIES like that!) Sue drafted out a route in Portland along the riverfront, which was really nice and enjoyable.

It was cold out but not too bad. The weather report said it was going to start raining later in the afternoon but it started misting early on and then it was raining before we were even half way done. By the time we finished, we were cold and soaked.

Somewhere between miles 5 and 6, I hit a wall I have never experienced before. I was lightheaded and famished! I didn't feel like I had the strength to continue walking but knew I really didn't have much of a choice. I never eat while walking (other than energy beans or gels) but for some unknown reason I packed a protein bar in my pack this morning, which I have never done before. Thank goodness I had it. It took about 10 minutes and then I was FINE. I had my normal before-a-marathon breakfast but for some reason it just didn't stick with me today. I think I'll pack that emergency bar in my pack from now on. It truly saved me.

As we were finishing up, I told Sue that doing our own half was such a great idea! It cost a lot less and there wasn't any pressure on us for time. However, doing our own, we would miss out on the "bling" that comes with the official races. But of course, we could survive without it.

We walked 13.3 miles (.2 more than a half marathon! Go us!) in 3:20:25, averaging 15:04 minute miles. No official pressure on us but we still walked it at a marathon pace.

Afterwards, we drove to the nearest Starbucks to warm up with a greatly-needed cup of coffee. When we sat down, Sue pulls something wonderful out of her pockets...

Our very own BLING for our very own half marathon! I can't believe she thought to do that! She truly made my day!  :)

She even wrote on the back of it...



  1. aw, what a cute idea from here. good for you for not waiting for a race to come up. I need to do that myself
