Sunday, January 29, 2012

Walking and Food: My Favorite Obsessions

I injured my big toenail during my super speedy walk with Vancouver Fit this morning. It hurts. Hurts like wearing-my-sock-causes-me-pain hurt. Hurts like the-blanket-I-covered-up-with-just-about-made-me-cry-out-in-agony hurt. Wow. Ouch. I don't know if my laces weren't tied just right or if my sock, for whatever reason, caused the problem. Bummer.

Regardless, I enjoyed the walk - cold, rain and all. It felt good to really move and push myself. My friend, Nanette (you rocked it!), had someplace to be this morning so she wanted to finish our scheduled six miles as quickly as possible and you knooooow I'm always up for a challenge!

Mission accomplished! 6.32 miles in 1:26:26, averaging 13:40 min miles! Yeeeeehaw!! (yep... I just said that!)

Earlier this week, one of my friends from Texas (now you see why I just said that!) posted a picture on Facebook of her okra concoction she made for dinner that night. Since that time I have been craving food from my life in the south! I would give just about anything to have some of my Grandmother's fried okra, black-eyed peas and cornbread right now! 

Although not as good as Grandmother's, I made a pot of black-eyed peas tonight. (Gotta satisfy these cravings!) I haven't had them in years. As my Grandaddy would have said, "That shoooore was some good eatin!"

I skipped the cornbread and obviously didn't have the okra (I don't buy the frozen variety because it just isn't the same...) It is doubtful I could get it to grow up here because it doesn't need a lot of water (Strike 1: can't count on long rainless periods of time, even in the summer) and it doesn't like temperatures below 50 degrees F (Strike 2: can't count on warm weather, EVEN in the summer!) Maybe I can convince one of my dear, sweet, kind, childhood friends to send me some of it fresh out of their garden! Anyone?!  ;)

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