Thursday, May 30, 2013

Portland Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon

May 19th was Portland's time to Rock 'n' Roll! This is such a great event! If you're ever looking for a half marathon to do, participate in one of the Rock 'n' Roll's. You can find out if there is one near you here. The event draws thousands of people! It is very well supported with hundreds of volunteers, plenty of large hydration stations, cheerleader squads just when you need them and several bands that keep you rockin' on down the road!

This was Bullseye's first race back post injury. We planned to take it easy and just enjoy the walk, music and the company!

While waiting in our assigned corral (yes, we were packed in there like cattle!), we met up with our friend Cindy and her nieces, MaKenzie and Erika. Cindy's daughter, Kristin, was up ahead in a faster corral. We also met up with friends Kathy, Nancy and Sue. It's so fun to meet up pre-race and share the excitement!

Bullseye and Buzz!

Cindy, me and Bullseye

MaKenzie, Erika and Cindy

Kathie and Nancy

It took almost 30 minutes for our corral to reach the starting line. Before we were even there, the first runners were already passing us and they were over 3.5 miles into the race at that time! By the time we reached that same point along the course, the first runners were FINISHING the race!! Unbelievable! I am in awe of their ability to run like that! Wow!! If only...!! (In 11th place was the first woman, finishing in 1:19:48. We were only 3.5 miles into the race!)

Anyway... Bullseye and I did exactly what we planned and started out slowly - walking and not getting caught up in the excitement and rush. It felt good. Cindy was with us too. Kristin, MaKenzie, Erika, Kathie, Nancy and Sue all took off and were running their own races. I always love the fact that you are there with friends but don't necessarily have to be TOGETHER. Walking/running - to me - is very much a personal sport and everyone should do what they feel like doing at race time, whether it be walking slowly or running the race of their life! We always meet back up at the finish line and talk about our successes and struggles. I love it!

With that said, I often times find myself making a commitment to stay with someone. Sometimes I am pulling them and sometimes they are pulling me but we stay together and finish together. That too is something I love.

Run Kathie Run

The weather was perfect! The route was really nice too...

At the top of that big ol' hill, there was a guy holding a sign that said, "You just kicked Hawthorn's Butt!" (Hawthorn is the street name - It darn near kicked OUR butts!) It was quite the uphill battle and just when you thought you saw the top of it, you peaked and saw MORE!

Around Mile 11, Bullseye and I were starting to jog a little. Cindy waived us on and was probably happy that she could finally be alone in her thoughts and listen to her iPod! We were chatting up a storm the whole way! :)

We finished the race in 3:06:31, averaging 14:14 minute miles and were very happy with our time considering we were not really pushing ourselves too hard and we totally enjoyed it!

At the finish line, we ran into Sue - who had literally finished one minute before us - and the two rock stars - Kathie and Nancy - who both ran a lot of their race and finished in amazing times and set PR's! Way to go, ladies!! Wow!! Cindy finished a few minutes after us and as usual, was all smiles!

Erika, MaKenzie, Kristin and Cindy

After chatting, congratulating and taking a few pictures, Bullseye and I left and went to the Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery and had a well-deserved, great-tasting beer! (the OREGONIC AMBER was AWESOME!!)  If you don't really like beer, you should try one after traveling 13 miles ON FOOT! Amazingly, they taste better than any thing else ever could! haha

It was a great event and a great day shared with great friends! We will definitely be doing the Rock 'n' Roll Half again next year!

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