Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A whole lot more than Weigh Day Wednesday...

Well... this has been quite the week!

As for what we did on the town Monday night - it was THIS...

My sister-in-law, Edith, got her very first tattoo! I have CORRUPTED her! heheheee Isn't is B-E-A-U-tiful?!

As for the rest of this week, it all  started with THESE...

Chocolate-covered pecans from my dear brother and dear sister-in-law, thankyouverymuch! They were for Valentine's Day! Very sweet, yes, but I am a confessed chocoholic! I certainly couldn't leave them on the counter top for Husband and Son to eat! Noooo.... Just looking at them didn't satisfy my cravings at all. Can you believe that?! Smelling them didn't do a thing for me either! Tasting them was the only option left, right?! Once that happened, well... the fat lady was singing at the opera! Dieting for the whole week was O-V-E-R. (Amazing how that happens, isn't it?)

Chocolate-covered pecans led to soy MOCHAS (which I never cared for until recently). Mochas led to all kinds of sugary treats, especially Hot Tamales (my "chocolate replacement drug"). And I ate PLENTY of them.

I then became quite sick for a couple of days... kinda like the flu but it was more like the "ate way too much junk... sugar highs/sugar lows" kinda sick. Blaaaaaah. By Saturday I no longer wanted to get off the couch. I became quite the sluggish blob and felt a lot like this...

I finally made it out the door early Sunday morning for my weekly walk with Vancouver Fit but "FIT" I wasn't! I struggled. I struggled to breathe up the hills. I struggled to talk and walk at the same time. I struggled to keep moving. I struggled every step of the way for all nine miles.

Monday morning I woke up with the mindset to get back into control. I went out and walked 13.2 miles with a friend (our own marathon again). I still struggled but nothing like the day before... but. I. still. struggled.

It blows me away to think how easy it is to jump off the cliff and then what a very difficult journey it is to find my way back up to the top. The results of my free-for-all week surely would show up on the scale today. Of course it would. So, to not disappoint myself further, I avoided that baby like the plague! Forget it. Not doing it.

Note to self: Chocolate is NOT a friend... and neither is sugar. 

Ahhh well.... here goes another week! Hoping for a better one. It is all about C-O-N-T-R-O-L, I know. I'll find it!
Please pray for my dear friend Sally. She needs prayers for strength and healing.  
I love you, Sally!

July 2003

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