Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kelly Clarkson and The Fray - Luck and a Double Concert

Matthew, Brittany and Kelly Clarkson!

We decided to go to this concert months ago. We love the venue, Sleep Country Ampitheater, which is only two exits up the freeway from us, and oooooof course we love Kelly Clarkson and The Fray!

Our luck started with Brittany getting the tickets at a very discounted rate through Groupon, a deal-of-the-day website that features discounted gift certificates usable at local or national companies. If you haven't checked it out, you should. There are great deals to be had! In fact, beware, you might just find yourself purchasing deals way too often... they are THAT good!

The concert was Saturday, June 21st. As we walked up to the gates to go in, there was a table set up by a local radio station. You could enter two drawings - one for upgraded tickets and one for Meet & Greet passes. We all three entered both.

There would be five drawings and they started in half an hour. You had to be present to win. Of course we NEVER win anything so sitting there was just something to do to kill some time because we were an hour early.

The first drawing was for the upgraded tickets. Someone's name was called - no surprise, it wasn't any of ours. The second drawing was also for upgraded tickets and... THEY CALLED MY NAME! ME! The woman who NEVER wins ANYTHING! (I've seriously only won one thing in my entire life and that was a very nice scrapbooking basket FULL of everything scrapping you can think of! Great win but that was the one and only time.) Anyway, I walked up and claimed my upgraded tickets for the three of us... box tickets right smack in the middle! Awesome seats!! We had our own designated spot with plenty of room to move around. We also had our own server, which we took full advantage of, ordering food and drinks for the evening. Very nice but I'm getting ahead of myself here... back to the drawings.

Showing off our winnings!

So... I just won the second drawing, right? The third drawing was for more upgraded seats... and THEY CALLED MATTHEW'S NAME! Unbeliveable!! Of course he walked up there and they said, "Ummm, these are more box seats." Matthew said, "I don't know what they are." and the woman said, "They are what your mother just won!" haha Okay, so Matthew had to pass on those tickets and someone else's name was drawn (making that the fourth drawing).

The fifth drawing was for Meet & Greet passes. Someone else won those. Darn it. And for the sixth and final drawing... for Meet & Greet passes... they drew a name and the woman said, "Oh the crowd isn't going to like this." and THEY CALLED MMMMMYYYYYYYYY NAME!! AGAIN! As Husband would say, 'Un-frickin-bo-lievable!' I honestly couldn't believe it. I walked up to the front with my head down and my hand covering my face. She was right... the crowd was NOT happy. I felt a little embarassed but hey, I won them fair and square!

I don't know what happend but our stars must have been perfectly aligned because we won three out of the six drawings - the fourth being an extra because Matthew had to pass on them. So really, we won three out of five times! Wow... I should have hopped a plane and gone to Vegas!

The Meet & Greet win only came with two passes and there was no talking them into giving us a third one so being the mom I am, I gave the passes to Brittany and Matthew. As much as I would have liked to have met Kelly, I am past the groupie stage in my life and felt my kids would enjoy it much more than I would. I knew they would get a picture with her and that would be something to hang on to for years to come. I was more than happy to let them take the passes. [Matthew said Kelly is "tiny" (he hugged her), "HOT" and "smelled REALLY good!"]

The kids actually missed The Fray concert because they were waiting to meet Kelly, who was running a little late! I really love The Fray and think they are just as awesome as Kelly is so it worked out really well - I honestly would have been disappointed to miss them!

During their concerts, Isaac Slade (the lead vocalist, main songwriter and pianist for The Fray) and Kelly, moved into the audiance and wouldn't you know it... they set up and sang their songs two boxes away from ours! (The kids had my camera with them during The Fray concert so I didn't get a close-up of Isaac but I got some of Kelly!)

(this one is a screen shot)

This is a concert we will always remember, thanks to our lucky stars! The only thing that would have made it better would have been for ME to get to meet Isaac! ;) hee hee

What a great evening spent with my kids!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fundraising complete for 2012! I'm walking those 60 miles again in September!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me reach my fundraising goals over the past three years! Once again, in September I will be able to participate in the 3-Day, 60-mile walk because of YOU! Raising a minimum of $2,300 is a big commitment and no easy task. Walking 60 miles in three days is also a big commitment and no easy task. I couldn't do any of it without your physical, mental and monetary help and support!

As long as those 60 miles are and as hard as the fundraising can be, it is NOTHING compared to the fight someone with breast cancer has to go through to survive. I am more than willing to struggle a little in an effort to help those who are battling this disease and to hopefully help find a cure so others don't have to experience it at all. Thank you for your willingness to help too!

You can view my 2012 donation page by clicking on the link near the top of this blog. If you still want to donate, never fear, in August I will have my 2013 page up and ready! ;)

The following is my note from the Komen Foundation. I wanted to share because of the information about where all this money goes. Thanks again!

Congratulations - you did it! You’ve reached your fundraising minimum for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day™. Thank you for your determination, selflessness and commitment to the fight against breast cancer. Your efforts are making a significant difference in the continuing effort to find a cure.

Seventy-five percent of the net proceeds raised by the 3-Day fund national research and large public health outreach programs. The remaining 25 percent funds local community and Affiliate outreach programs. Virtually every major advance in the fight against breast cancer in the last 29 years has been impacted by a Komen grant.

Thanks to events like the Komen Race for the Cure® and the 3-Day, we have invested more than $1.9 billion to fulfill our promise, becoming the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. Because of you, lives are being saved. Because of you, we are one step closer to our goal of a world without breast cancer.

We understand the kind of hard work it takes to get to this point, so let your efforts keep working for you and the cause. Don’t stop now! Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back - and then set a new goal. Keep talking with people about the 3-Day, about your experience fundraising and training, and about breast cancer. You will continue to raise awareness and funds in the weeks to come.

Please extend our thanks to your donors. Every dollar makes a difference.


Susan G. Komen™

Breast Health Fact: Early detection and effective treatment for breast cancer have been shown to improve survival.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Race that Never Was

Check out that crowd! That's only a small portion of it!

Sue, Me and Lesley

I just got these pictures and wanted to post them. This was the first year the Rock 'n' Roll series was in Portland, Oregon (May 20th). There were over 11,000 participants! The route promised to be fun and entertaining, with bands at nearly every mile!

Truth is, I'll have to wait until next year to find out just how fun it actually was!

I walked the first 1.5 miles and dropped out. My first race to ever drop out of. I was fighting myself... wanting to continue. I have an addiction to marathons and this one was no different. However, my foot/heel was KILLING me. I knew it before I arrived. I knew it would be stupid to do. I went to support my friends on the sideline... so I said. I promised Husband and Daughter I would NOT participate. But... off I went through that starting line! (Ooooooof course! This is ME we are talking about!) It didn't take long though to realize I couldn't physically do it. I was already limping and it was going to be a very long and painful walk. Slow too, which I could never accept! The real issue was (besides the promises made to those closest to me) was that I didn't want to further damage whatever was wrong with my foot. So, out of the race I went... like a good girl.

I hung around the park, listening to the bands play and spent a lot of time people-watching. Downtown Portland is really good for that. And it rained, naturally. When the first runners started coming in, I was amazed at their physique. They truly were... LUNGS ON A STICK! No wonder they can move that fast - there isn't much of them - pure muscle, bones and lungs. I always wished I was 'one of them' but of course I'm not. Never will be. Anyway, it was fun watching all the excitement. That excitement is what makes you push through it all and finish strong! That excitement makes you feel so good about having done it. The encouragement from the crowds at the finish line is very much appreciated!

Anyway, after watching the Lungs run in, I eventually started walking against the crowd, watching all of those people nearing the end. I yelled out encouragement and praise as they ran / walked / limped by me. My two friends, Sue and Lesley, came over the bridge and I joined them, jogging the rest of the way in. I wanted to be a part of it so badly! I know, I know... that was the BAD GIRL in me! I actually felt REALLY guilty and hid the medal... the one I didn't deserve. The one I didn't earn. The one I have stuffed away in a drawer at home. BUT, forget about me being a bad girl and read on... Jogging just that little distance (maybe 3/4 of a mile) caused me major pain and severe limping (Now THAT I did derserve!). I couldn't even walk that evening at home, not. at. all. Just imagine if I had done the whole thing...

One great moment of the finish though - being in the right spot at the right time - was that we stumbled right upon Chris Rene (from the X Factor) and even had our picture taken with him! My daughter was disappointed she wasn't going to be in town to come see his concert so ALL she asked for was a picture of him! She got it! ;)  (There... that made being deceitful worth it! Right?!)

Talk about a success story... Chris Rene certainly is one!

Apparently I found some pretty big cheeks to smile with! (AWFUL PIC!)

Two days later my foot was put in a cast... as you all know. My choices were made for me... I couldn't do ANY marathon. In fact, I couldn't even walk two blocks. I missed out on the Vancouver Marathon, the only full one I signed up for this year. (Good thing the Doc was smarter - and in more control - than me because I might have actually tried doing it. Yeah, I know... I started walking and lost my brain somewhere along the path. Have you seen it? I'd like it back.) In all, I missed out on four walks I had signed up for during those six looooong weeks of wearing that blasted cast.

That's all behind me now.  I'm finally on the road to recovery and plan to walk a 7k in August as well as a half marathon. It's time to get back out there and move! I'm starting out slowly (stantionary bicycle for starters) but I can't dilly-dally around too much... I have many more miles to cover!

Watch out world, I'm back!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Goodbye Cast... I'm NOT going to miss you!

Yes, my toenail is black. It has been since January!

Ahhhhh... to shower and sleep again in comfort!

Hopefully now my heel/foot is on the road to recovery. After no cast for 24 hours, my assessment is that I am 95% improved! Let's hope it continues to feel that way. I don't have to do any formal physical therapy at this time but I have stretches to do at home. My calf muscle is weak and sore from lack of use. I was instructed to ride my stationary bicycle to help my muscle gain strength again. No running in any marathons YET but I will definitely get back out there as soon as possible... I have training to do! Walking around the mall today was a bit uncomfortable for my calf (not my foot, thank goodness) so it's going to take some time. I'm just happy to have that cumbersome cast OFF.

Happy Fourth of July!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

For the Barking Bulldog and his Yappy Chihuahua

Two years ago today [I thought] my life was turned upside down. The economy had taken a nose-dive and like thousands of others, I was laid off. I had worked in that office for 12.5 years. To say it crushed me is an understatement. It caused me to doubt my own intelligence and self-worth. It caused major depression, anger and resentment. I became a recluse and refused to communicate with anyone other than those in my immediate family and a couple of close friends. I no longer wanted to do anything except sit on the couch and stare into space. It completely devastated me and it took me months to climb out of that very deep dark hole I had fallen into.

Thankfully I have a very supportive husband and family. Don't get me wrong, Husband and I had our issues - oh yes we did - because I was so depressed he had no idea how to save me from my own downward spiral. BUT, as always, he believed in me and stood firmly planted in his never-ending role as my pillar of strength. He was there waiting for me, knowing that in time I would find my footing once again. (Thank you, Husband.)

I eventually found my way back to the land of the living and amazingly, I emerged with a huge smile on my face - one that I continue to display to this day. I emerged with more self-confidence and poise. I emerged calm and relaxed... and happy.

My whole life became BETTER without that job! I thought it was such a tragedy to lose it but in reality they did me a huge favor! (Should I say 'thank you' ?... nah... never gonna happen!)

Being off work gave me a lot of free time that I learned to make good use of. I cleaned every closet, drawer, cabinet and storage box in the entire house and garage. I organized, got rid of, and took pride in keeping my home clean. Laundry was always caught up and I even started cooking a little (key words here: A LITTLE). I became a stay-at-home-mom and housewife... and LOVED IT!

My whole focus became my family and we became a much stronger unit. The way my family communicates now and lives in such harmony was worth losing that job one hundred times over again! I wouldn't trade it for anything. I had no idea how our lives would change for the better and benefit so much from something that I viewed as "devastating." It just goes to show...

"When a door closes, a window opens!"

I enjoyed spending nearly two years with my teen-aged son, getting him through the 8th grade and then through his first year of high school. The quality time spent with him at his age was very valuable and I am so thankful we had it together. I spent more quality time with my husband, daughter and mother too. Our relationships have all grown and become so much more than they were before. Life changed in so many positive ways!

Not only did my home life change, my social life changed as well. All that free time allowed me to walk more. When I wasn't walking alone (I really enjoy the solitude sometimes), I was spending time with my many newly-made friends that also enjoy walking. When you are walking great distances together, you spend an amazing amount of time with each other so you get to know each other quite well! These friendships have grown and become very meaningful to me. I feel so blessed! (Thank you ladies - I cherish each and every one of you!)

To top it all off, I am working again and have a wonderful job! A job I felt that "perfect fit" with from the very first interview. A job where the subject matter is completely new to me so I'm learning something new everyday. A job I look forward to every single morning. A job I have to commute to Portland for but actually enjoy the peaceful bus ride. A job with a low level of stress and a high level of professionalism. A job where everyone is seemingly very happy in their positions and the turnover rate is nonexistent (my position is new, not a vacant one) - most have been there 20+ years! It is a job I truly enjoy and am so thankful to have.

There is nothing "devastating" about this two-year anniversary. It is a time to celebrate the date I was given (somewhat forcefully!) the opportunity to start over and really enjoy my life. I am so happy!

My whole world opened up... not just a tiny little piddly window!


Woof... Woof!