Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Repeating the Repeated Day One ... AGAIN

Changed things up a bit today and had cereal for breakfast instead of my usual fruit/protein shake. I need to do SOMETHING different to get rid of this remaining extra baggage from around my middle! [I know I have one in there - a waist - I just need to find it!] The year is rapidly coming to an end and I still have the same song and dance going on here... I need to lose these last 20 pounds! La la la la laaaaaa  (Shouldn't all this dancing be burning the fat reserve?!)
I had coffee with a bit of creamer today. I snacked on two chocolate rice cakes, a mozzarella string cheese and a Clif bar.

Lunch was L-A-T-E in the day so it basically was dinner too. I know... I know. Skipping meals is not the answer. It wasn't on purpose, that's for sure. I had a turkey sandwich made on whole grain bread with tomatoes, avocado and mustard with a cup of yogurt on the side.

Sounds like I didn't eat enough, right? Certainly feels like I didn't eat enough. Truth of the matter is, I actually consumed about 1353 calories today. If I had exercised (which I didn't) or walked (didn't do that either), I could have consumed more calories, and would have happily done so!  It is amazing how the calories add up. We think we are eating so little and can't understand why we aren't skin and bones. Reality is that we consume a lot more than we ever realize. Easily, Quickly, and Mindlessly.

I got stressed and wanted fast food. I NEVER want nor eat fast food! Blah! But I wanted it. I got bored and I wanted a milkshake. I never have those either. I got tired and wanted chips (I do have those occasionally!). CLEARLY I eat for all the wrong reasons! I was all over the place with cravings. It was Tough - with a capital T - but I can proudly say I didn't give in. I watched what I ate today and limited my consumption. Calories in must be less than calories out - it is that simple. Too bad the process isn't as simple as the fact!

Day 1 of DIETING: BREAKING THE POUND BARRIER is behind me. Whew. I think I'm hungry now from all the effort it took.  ;)

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