As 2012 comes to an end, I have been thinking about where I’ve been during the past twelve months and wondering where the next twelve months are going to take me. Changes are always occurring and no doubt there will be more in 2013.
The biggest change of 2012 - I started working again in June after being laid off and unemployed for two and a half years. It was a very difficult change for not only me but for my family too. For 2.5 years I was available 24/7. Run an errand… I’m on it! Make appointments… I’m on it! Pick child up from school and deliver to friend’s house/concert/mall… I’m on it! Deliver a forgotten phone… I'M ON IT!! I was available for all of it until I started working again. Lunch dates, late night movies/drinks, hours spent walking alone or with my friends… it all came to an end. My freedom was gone. (Welcome back to the real world, right?) As difficult as it was though, new routines started, planning ahead re-started, 'doing without' happened and belief in my own abilities re-surfaced. Once again I became a working mother and wife and, like so many others, learned to juggle my family, work and personal life.
I am very fortunate to have found a job that I actually love! I enjoy what I'm doing and love the individuals I work with. I have made new friends - friends I will no doubt have for a lifetime. From the moment I interviewed with them, I felt a connection - This is where I am meant to be and these are the people I am meant to meet. Over the past six months we have grown close and have spent hours not only working together but walking together too! My job and co-workers have definitely been a very meaningful addition to my life.
There were many occasions throughout the year when I wondered if my walking days were over. I couldn't seem to get past the foot injury. After 11 months and two podiatrists, a cast, shoe inserts, new shoes and plenty of rest, the pain has finally subsided. With the foot issues behind me and my back currently pain-free, I'm very optimistic and plan to train again and have a successful year packed full of running/walking events. It's what I really enjoy doing and can't imagine having to give it up.
I have done nothing about my weight this year. I have maintained (with minor ups and downs) but not lost and not gotten any closer to reaching my goal. Another year has slipped by but instead of thinking of it as a negative, I’m very happy that I’ve been maintaining and not gaining! I know the statistics… most people regain their lost weight and then add some. I have not. And will not. I am not currently moving down the scale but I’m not moving up either and that’s my accomplishment for this year - maintaining.
I have gone twelve months without eating meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc.) or eating eggs. It was an easy transition and one I’m very happy with. I continued to eat fish and shellfish until September, at which time I gave that up too. I’m a total non-meat eater now. I occasionally have cheese or yogurt (the dairy type) when I don’t feel like driving across town to get non-dairy versions but I’m trying to stay away from it too. (Planning ahead and always being prepared might solve this issue.) Vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, sweet potatoes and brown rice are my main sources of fuel. When I'm feeling creative I'll throw in some tofu, tempeh or other type of meat substitute but most of the time I just stick with the basics. Boring, I know, but it's working for me. My favorite recipe I found this year... Sweet Potato and Black Bean Enchiladas. They are A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
That leads to the question of “Why am I still overweight?” The answer is a simple one … SUGARS! I am addicted! I have drastically changed my eating habits and believe I have become so much healthier because of it yet I continue to eat sugar (Hot Tamale candies – my favorite!) and salty tortilla chips. I crave sugar & carbs! I have gone weeks without it (after suffering with a sugar withdrawal headache for two or three days) but always find myself going for “just one nibble” and ending up right back into the downward spiral of my sugar addiction (...chocolate in the office for the holidays... chips in my pantry... Hot Tamales at every corner store... !!!). My eating goal this year is to give up most, if not all, of that senseless sugar eating. I'm getting nothing out of it except extra calories and a sugar high. Giving it up will probably do wonders for my overall well-being.
While I like to believe sugar is a large part of my current weight issue, lack of exercise is equally to blame. My foot problem (no longer an excuse now) slowed me down and instead of doing something other than walking, I did nothing.
I sat.
I ate.
I got lazy.
On January 6th I will start training again (this time as a runner!) and will no doubt suffer because I haven't really done ANYTHING in the past six weeks. Signing up to train with Max Muscle means that I’ll have more personalized attention. It also means that they will be ‘up close and personal’ and will notice if I’m not following the program! Yikes!! The lazy days of 2012 are about to come to an abrupt end! It's time to get moving again!
Goals for 2013: eat less sugar, exercise more and RUN a half marathon! I can do it!
Happy New Year!
You are family! Not a co-worker and we couldn't be more blessed to have you in our lives. Not only are you an excellent employee, you are an amazing friend and invaluable mentor. We are all better for having you in our lives. I love you! Kathie