Sunday, June 16, 2019

Salmon Butte

Salmon Butte - my first time on this trail and another "C" hike with the Mazamas. I'm moving up in the world! ;) This is a great one! Lots of miles, elevation gain and great views from the top!

It was a warm day but thankfully most of this hike was in the forest so we were not exposed to the direct sun too often until we got near the top. The entire way up this trail felt like a gradual climb (although my Garmin graph shows otherwise) and it was truly enjoyable. The last 50 yards were steep, on rock and completely exposed to the sun. It was hot like a desert up there! Well, okay, maybe not that bad but it was uncomfortably warm. Just as I was about to start wallowing in my own overheated misery.... We were there! Woohoo! The views were amazing! I forgot all about the heat of the sun too! Funny how that happens. We had lunch and sat there visiting, admiring the beauty surrounding us. This hike wasn't "brutal" like Hunchback was and truthfully it wasn't even difficult except for the last little bit up and part of that difficulty for me was the heat. After a nice, restful lunch break -- in the beautiful sunshine 😅 -- we headed back down into the shady, cool forest. It was a long way back to the trailhead but it was also all downhill. 😃 I definitely will be hiking this one again.

From the top we could see Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. Rainier and Mt. Jefferson. We also saw the very tip of South Sister in Central Oregon.

It was a great day spent with a great group of people.

I am so happy and love that I'm able to experience and enjoy the outdoors like I do. I ❤ hiking!

12.55 miles; 3833 feet of elevation gain.

Twelve of us - a great group of people

Mt. Hood

Lunch break at the top

Mt. Jefferson and the top of South Sister (to the right)

Mt. Adams

Mt. Rainier

2019 Hike 21/52
12.66 miles

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