Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Fun

Tried something new today - TENNIS!  As soon as my back, hips and knees recover, I might be able to say it was a lot of fun!  Brittany, Matthew, Enrique (my nephew - who now lives with us) and I decided it was a good idea to get on the court and hit some balls... or in my case... chase them!  I expected to do poorly (never having played before) and I lived up to my own expectations!  haha I actually surprised myself and hit quite a few...  over the fence, onto the other court, into the net and a few to my opponent (and I say that loosely because there was no competition from my end)!  Seriously, all of that happened but I wasn't as bad as I, or my son, expected me to be.  Matthew told me he expected me to swing the racket at a very slow moving ball and totally miss it which did happen - I admit - but not too many times!  Enrique had never played before either but he certainly showed me that not ALL beginners are terrible. He and Matthew had each other running back and forth constantly. Matthew is playing tennis at school so he was a step above the rest of us.  Brittany can really aim and hit the ball hard.  It was a rare moment when I actually hit one of hers back to her.  I spent most of my time RUNNING - and it wasn't to hit them but to go get them!  We have a long way to go before we are "tennis players" but we all had a great time pretending!  It's an awesome way to get some exercise while spending some quality family time together!

Before the "tennis match", Enrique and I went for a three mile walk.  It was his first distance walk and he said he enjoyed it. He wants to go with me again and we can keep adding to the distance. I am always happy to recruit another walker!

Unfortunately, Enrique now has to go to work with aching legs and a sore back while the rest of us (all full of aches and pains) are  being super lazy and hanging out in front of the television.  All I can say at this moment is thank goodness for ibuprofen!

Exercise is done for the day.  Maybe for tomorrow too!  Just kidding...

Do you think I earned myself a piece of chocolate?! ;)

UPDATE: Sunday morning at 5:30am - Please add BUTT MUSCLES to the long list of painful areas from playing tennis yesterday! Also, I had the worst cramp in the history of all cramps in the back of my thigh last night! Maybe I will put off the tennis pro dream until after the Portland Marathon! ha! Now I'm heading out to walk 7 miles with Vancouver Fit this morning. It is not raining at the moment! :)

Ouch... it even hurts to smile....

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